SweetWood Maple Products

Pennsylvania Pure Maple Syrup  


Sugar House Siding and Fall Photos - 2003

Newly sided "Rustic Board on Board" siding.  John Scheafnocker of Timber Trails came with his portable Wood Mizer band mill and cut 2,000 board feet of Red Pine from our neighbor's property.

Close up...the sliding door open and plastic on the windows.

Looking West from our Garden into the woods.

A shot from our driveway.  In view is the sugarhouse (far) and one of the "Twin" sugarmaples that are 32"+ in diameter.

Looking from the backyard towards our home (East).  We are very fortunate that all the maples are arranged on a hillside, which made the tubing runs very easy.

Another "Twin" Maple photo.

Both "Twin" Maples together.  They are very brilliant Yellow/Orange in the Fall.

One of the six 24" diameter trees that border our backyard.

Looking Northwest, just beyond our yard.  Looking into this two acre area, there are only a handful of trees that are not sugar maples.  Very rare for this area.

Another shot looking Northwest into the sugarbush.  Despite the cold weather, it's so much easier to work in the winter due to the scrub brush and maple saplings.